LOLSKELETONS and Princess Callie Watch the Creepypasta Network Movie Part 2

Callie: K. Back.
Skelly: About time.
Callie: Well sooorrry. Not my fault I have no bladder control.
*Movie gets unpaused*
Creepypasta Wiki Network: The Movie
6 years later, National Bank of Paris, Paris, France
* A hooded man who is actually TheOperator walks into the bank with a number of lackeys*
Op: (to one of his lackeys) Lock the door.
*Lackey locks door, the others except Op pull out guns and start firing. Screams erupt!*
Op: Shut up and sit down! (to the teller) I don't want money. I want the article that is being held here. Bring it to me. NOW.
*Teller brings it to him with a whimper*
Op: Ahhh, Pyschosis. The first step in creating a non-quality world has just been taken.
Guy: Wait... We're holding Psychosis in a bank.
Callie: I didn't think we were.
Skelly: I don't know anymore. UUUUUUGGGGGH.
Op: (turns to lackey) Kill them all and meet me outside.
*lackies start shooting everyone as screaming erupts. They walk outside and the building explodes*
Callie: Dammit, I thought I told them NOT to use Michael Bay.
Callie: Not really... After all, they ignored me on most of it.
Goddy: Well, that kind of cements that this isn't going to be good.
Callie: Isn't the fact that Dennis Rodman is involved in this movie already cementing that?
*scene goes to a government building*
Creepypasta Wiki Headquarters, somewhere outside of Toronto, Canada
*Kiera Knightly (Callie) walks into an office owned by ImGonnaBeThatGuy (Johnny Depp)*
Callie: Guy, we need you out here. He's resurfaced.
Guy: Who?
Callie: TheOperator.
Guy: (walks out with Callie) What do we got?
Callie: He's struck several banks in different countries and only taken one thing *touches remote bringing up a high tech screen of all the banks he's hit*. The articles we've been holding there. Psychosis, Dogscape, Ted the Caver, and Asylum. Paris, Munich, Washington, and London. He's left no survivors in any of them and blown up the buildings right after.
Guy: He's going after the Suggested Reading articles.
Skelly: What is this shit? Why am I not in this building? I was here before all of you!
Callie: Don't ask me! I don't know!
Guy: Better question? Why the hell am I Johnny Depp? Thought I asked to be somebody who doesn't suck!
Callie: Ugh... And another. If its 1981, how the hell do we have that kind of tech? That was pretty high tech mapping there.
Callie: Our sources indicate that the next one he will go after is in Seattle. NoEndHouse, at Liberty National Bank.
Guy: We can't let that happen.
Callie: Should I send in a team?
Guy: No. You and I are going to take care of this. Pack your bags and your best gun. We're going to Seattle. *smug Johnny Depp grin*
SG: Pause it! We're out of popcorn!
Callie: Actually, this seems like a good place to stop and leave people hanging for part 3!
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